Equine Librium College is a private higher education institution based in Plettenberg Bay in the Western Cape and offers a professional BSc Veterinary Physiotherapy degree (NQF-8). This qualification is registered, accredited, and approved with DHET, CHE, SAQA, and SAVC, and offers a route of automatic registration with SAVC as a Veterinary Physiotherapist. DHET N°2018/HE07/004
Equine-Librium College is the first institution in the world to offer a full-time professional degree directly into the field of Veterinary Physiotherapy. The College was founded in 2011 with the flagship programme receiving accreditation in 2018, after the promulgation of the Veterinary Physiotherapy profession in 2017.
Veterinary Physiotherapists are essential members of the Veterinary Health Team. Therapy intervention is a fundamental part of the normal veterinary care of an animal. Our clinic Veterinary Physiotherapists are trained to evaluate a wide variety of neuromusculoskeletal problems as well as cardiorespiratory dysfunction. Veterinary Physiotherapy can assist in preventing, recovering, and maintaining injuries, trauma, surgery, and pathology, as well as provide performance enhancement for small animals e.g. canine athletes.
The College aims to develop qualifications that will widen access to higher education in veterinary and para-veterinary fields, improve standards of animal care, and train knowledgeable professionals.
To attain international recognition for excellence in higher education, advancing teaching and learning, professional expertise, standards of animal care and research within Veterinary and Para-Veterinary fields.
To facilitate quality teaching and learning experiences within higher education, strengthen critical thinking abilities, and research initiatives to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in veterinary and para-veterinary fields.